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更新时间:2020-7-22 17:31:55     来源: 互联网


展览地点:深圳市南山区大新路198号创新大厦A座9楼 舒心堂·生空间及Shu Xin Tang App(VR展厅),详情请参考谷雨艺术节官网www.guyuartshow.com



本次展览得到了国际小燕、小燕画院、StudioUNI、哈斯教育、parallel及UEO Design等机构的大力支持;约50名艺术家、约100件可收藏的原创作品,来自中美两国的艺术作品大集合;展览共六大主题,分别以雕塑、绘画、摄影、视频、装置、微电影等形式进行展示。谷雨艺术节希望以最真实、最开放的姿态向大众开放,拉近艺术与生活的距离,观众可以前往舒心堂观看线下展览,也可以搜索谷雨艺术节官方网站查看艺术品详情。


A gift for Shenzhen, the 2020 GUYU Art Show “Reimagine City”

GUYU Art Show is an art exhibition held by Shu Xin Tang Sheng Art Space, which is an art organization under Pharmaceutical Company Kingworld Medicine Group (01110.HK), that aims to explore the potential of young artists, designers, curators, and filmmakers. The concept of GUYU comes from the Chinese twenty-four solar which embodies the unique concept of time between man and nature. It also contains China’s agriculture culture and profound history.

GUYU Art Show encourages young artists, curators, filmmakers, designers to rethink human life, the function and meaning of a city, and the relationship between people and nature. A gift celebrating Shenzhen’s 40thbirthday, GUYU Art show’s 2020“Reimagine City” exhibition exists both online and offline, with the online exhibition presented in the VR App “Shu Xin Tang App”,and the offline version in the actual gallery space Shu Xin Tang Sheng Art Space in Nanshan, Shenzhen.

The exhibition displays about 100 original artworks from artists working in China and the United States, including more than 50 artists and art studios, such as StudioUNI and UEO Design. The artworks are made with various mediums, such as sculpture, painting, photography, video, installation and film.

This article selects three artworks from “Reimagine City”, and analyzes their form and discusses their social implications. These works lead us to explore the concept of "urban dream".


Artist Yang Xueyong uses traditional form of painting to explain the seemingly ordinary but substantially unusual scene in our life. The whole picture only includes four main colors, which are red, green, black and yellow. This simple and eye-catching color design is different from other artworks of city theme and makes it outstanding. Green trees, red wall, railings, McDonald's brand, these familiar scenes in urban life give the viewer a sense of childhood nostalgia, outpouring a feeling of poetry and desolation. Everything is quiet, as viewers we seem to be abandoned to an eternal and timeless dream. The floating McDonald's logo is a symbol of modern city, it can be seen everywhere, symbolizing the laws of business, stable and always the same. To some extent, this symbol also reminds us of ourselves, always ready to work, 24 hours a day, in the world of order. We appear as energetic and bright figures, but our hearts are surrounded by loneliness and anxiety, just like the floating brand, looking forward to jump over and escape from the iron fence. As the painting shows, we are eager to escape from the city, but how do we escape? No matter how hard we try, we will face an old red wall eventually. We are always faced with traditions, rules or constraints. As a after surrealist work, this painting has different meanings in different people’s eyes. Although this picture only contains scenes that people in the city are used to, the viewing experience and metaphorical meanings change. Such simple scene leaves us with more space for imagination, a deep vision then submerge.


In this work, artist Huang Zhu Qingzi used visual art as a weapon to question and challenge reality. Scientific progress, technology development and the endless human desire lead to more and more urban garbage which is discharged into the environment. Heavy traffic, skyscrapers and abundant commodities immerse us into a colorful city landscape while ignoring all kinds of color pollution which have long been infiltrated under our feet. This artwork has the spirit of Dadaism, trying to break the order, create chaos, question the art form while challenging the decent representation of modern life. In industrial production, confusion and incidentality are accidents that destroy order and interrupt the normal production. They must be eliminated. In this work, however, occasional accidents have become the beginning of order. Its art deeply rooted in the chaos and its relationship with the outside world. The urban culture, centered on industry and economy impels the artist to create such a form of freedom. In a way, this work reflects not the content phenomenon of color pollution, but the city culture that is neglected. What the artist criticizes is not only a social problem, but also a way of life.


In the artwork, Vivian Wei discusses the current urban development problem, that is, the problem of urban appearance convergence with globalization. The same urban planning and urban landscape in different city brings a sense of order but lacks the uniqueness of each city. Here, the artist extracted the red element from the tradition and designed it. She selected objects that seemed to be the same and symbolized modern urban life, then used design patterns to wrap these objects and wrapped the objects. The red color is emphasized in a unique way. The work contains the artist's thought about tradition and modernity, nationality and internationality, and how to adapt to the sense of movement and creativity of urban life while retaining the innocence and nature of the local society. How to extract the color Red with traditional meaning, how to grasp the scale of national personality and understand it in an international way, perhaps Wei attempts to think about Chinese design going international.





“Reimagine City” reflects everyone's dream in the city. Whether it is painting, photography or installation, these works of art in the exhibition convey the artists' personal understandings of the city's dream through either direct or indirect, explicit or implicit means. A series of themes such as environment, ecology, locality, towns, globalization, commercialization, traditional imprisonment, and future expectations are interspersed among them, giving viewers a wide range of imagination. These three works discussed by contriutaors are just the tip of the iceberg from this exhibition. More works can be seen in the Shuxintang APP , at the official website www.guyuartshow.com and at the actual art exhibition in Shu Xin Tang Sheng Art Space until August 7th2020.

Shu Xin Tang Sheng Art Space is located here:





Xiaoruo Cao, an art history student in Tsinghua University. Interested in western modern art, curating and art management. She is working at art criticism and foreign material translation.


Yue Hanlu, a senior student in the Department of Art History at Tsinghua University. Her undergraduate study pushed her to explore modern and contemporary art and art curation.

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